Six dads gather in rural Oklahoma for a weekend fishing trip. As the men cast their rods into the river, share their catch over dinner, and swap stories beside the bonfire, we learn what has brought them to this scenic idyll: the love for their trans and LGBTQ children, their fears for their children's safety, and the urgency to fight for the ground on which they all stand. The Dads is a quiet meditation on fatherhood, brotherhood and manhood amid the changing American landscape. 海角国精产品三区二区三区根据十九世纪唯美主义先锋作家王尔德的真实经历改编。 王尔德(Stephen Fry 史蒂芬•弗莱饰)一生在诗歌、戏剧、童话、小说创作、文学批评上广泛涉猎,他谈吐幽默,作品充满机锋,英国首相丘吉尔曾说来生最愿倾心长谈的人便是王尔德。在当时的伦敦,王尔德几乎每部戏剧都在舞台上取得轰动效果,风头可谓一时无两。 可是,王尔德的文学生涯却在后来完全被毁掉,这一切都源于他和道格拉斯•波西伯爵(Jude Law 裘德洛饰)的一场相遇,王尔德不仅背负“鸡奸罪”入狱,蒙受名誉上的污点,家中所有也全部被拍卖,妻子只得带着两个儿子远走他乡,并给他们改姓。