Kleinman(Woody Allen饰)住在一个小镇上,他是一个小小的不起眼的记账员。一天夜里,他被邻居们叫醒,邻居们想请他帮忙把一个在小镇上杀了好多个人的陌生人抓起来。但当他穿好衣服出门准备加入邻居们擒贼的队伍中去的时候,他发现,邻居们在一时之间好像都消失了。与此同时,一个马戏团来到了镇上,展开马戏表演。Paul和Imy是其中的两个表演者。经过一场斗殴,Imy在一个晚上离开了马戏团。渐渐的,她发现了Kleinma一个人表情狰狞地蜷缩在角落里。 看见鬼的刑警处容第一季Nora is a young tourist traveling through Rome which takes a sudden turn when she witnesses a murder by a serial killer that the police have sought for years for the so-called Alphabet Killings, and Nora soon finds herself in way-over-her-head trouble when the police want her cooperation to catch the killer while the mystery killer soon targets her for his next victim.