The third season of ABC Family drama television series Switched at Birth began on January 13, 2014, and will consist of 22 episodes. The season is produced by ABC Family, Pirates' Cove Entertainment, and Suzy B Productions, with Paul Stupin and series creator Lizzy Weiss serving as executive producers. The one-hour scripted drama revolves around two young women who discover they were switched at birth and grew up in very different environments.[1] While balancing school, jobs, and their unconventional family, the girls, along with their friends and family, experience deaf culture, relationships, class differences, racism, audism, and other social issues. 今年五一吧《武士白东秀》根据朝鲜时代最强侠客白东秀的生平改编,讲述了国王的亲卫兵与刺客集团之间的战斗。池昌旭饰演的白东秀是李朝英祖和正祖时代的武士,曾编撰《武艺图谱通志》,他与正祖大王的护卫队一起,与对立派暗杀组织『黑色烛笼』的武士一决高下。而俞承豪饰演的余韵,则是朝鲜最顶级的剑客,精通武术、剑术、枪术、拳术、骑术等,正是暗杀正祖的秘密组织『黑色烛笼』的核心人物,二人的对决将上升到朝鲜的剑神金光泽(全光烈饰)和黑色灯笼的最强高手千(崔民秀饰)之间的一场腥风血雨。