The PUPPET MASTER series finally concludes with its seventh, and straight-to-video, sequel THE LEGACY. Comprised mostly of clips from the previous features, the film centers around Eric Weiss (Jacob Witkin) the little boy saved by toymaker Andre Toulon in PUPPET MASTER 3. Now a grown man in pursuit of Toulon's secret for animating objects, Weiss relates the puppets' history--through flashbacks and archival footage from the first six sequels--to a woman named Maclain (Kate Orsini), unaware that the mysterious beauty is really an assassin out to destroy the puppet master's legacy 古惑仔之人在江湖 电影《全球绝美国家公园》由《蓝色星球2》的监制创作,这部令人惊叹的五集剧集由美国前总统贝拉克·奥巴马担任监制和旁白,他比美国历史上任何一位总统都更加种注重对公共土地和水域的保护,这部剧邀请观众一起走进地球上最标志性的国家公园,以感受自然之美。这部充满奇观和幽默乐观精神的剧 集横跨五大洲,每集聚焦一座国家公园,讲述其中大大小小的野生居民的生活,探索我们与野地之间不断变化的关系。从加利福尼亚州蒙特雷湾的水域,到肯尼亚察沃国家公园鲜红的土壤、印尼勒塞尔火山国家公园郁郁葱葱的热带雨林、智利巴塔哥尼亚的壮丽地形等,绝美的国家公园在召唤我们踏上探索之旅,寻找保证野地长存的新方法,并竭力保护它们以造福后代。该剧集由 Wild Space production 与 Higher Ground Productions 和 Freeborne Media 联合制作。