“Versailles is the next step in the international co-production strategy we are now pursuing with our partners,” said Fabrice de la Patellière, Head of French Drama and Co-productions at Canal Plus. “This new season, that we aim to develop with renewed originality, will be a full-blown immersion into the absolute power of Louis XIV.” Added Claude Chelli, Director of Capa Drama: “King Louis XIV ruled France for 72 years, so there are still many stories to be told, in the same style and with the same contemporary approach that we established in Season 1. So it is with great relish that for the second season, we are going to take the series into the realm of women, love potions and poisons.” 克林顿夫妇 近年来,万柏林区坚持“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念,把建设“绿色生态示范区”作为打造国家区域中心城市核心城区的重要载体,加快推进西山生态综合治理,培育创建万亩生态园、王封一线天、桃花沟、偏桥沟等文旅品牌,全区森林覆盖率达38.19%,建成区绿化覆盖率达45.68%。