类型:战争 喜剧 剧情 地区:美国 年份:2017
主演:黄子琪 小林亘 Veronica Burgess 爱德华·安德鲁斯
更新:2024-12-20 02:51:20
简介:Dona□d Trump beca□e the 45th Presi□□nt o□ the U□ited □tates by wi□□ing □hr□e key □□ate□, a vict□ry enginee□ed by a□ ultra□conserv□tive fa□tion □hat qui□tly ma□ped its wa□□to□power using □ake news, lies□and psy□h□met□ics. Th□s□□xplosi□e □□cu□ent□ry fol□ows t□e mone□ t□□the re□lusive multi□billionaire Robert□Mercer□who boug□□ Breit□art Ne□□ and funded □h□ effort, □hi□□ in□ert□n□ St□ve Ba□n□n into □he presidential camp□ig□ as its m□nage□. Usi□g data of millions of□Ameri□□ns□acquired f□om Facebook, Google, □an□s,□□red□t □□mpani□s, socia□ security a□d □ore, another Merce□ company, Cambri□ge□Anal□tica, used tact□cs hone□ during□the UK□#39;s B□exit camp□i□□ to i□□n□ify voters deemed &quo□;m□st□neur□tic or□worr□ed,&qu□t□ whom the□ □elieved coul□ swing for T□ump. In th□ d□ys be□o□e the elec□i□n, using a li□t□e-□□own Facebook □eatur□, &qu□t;d□rk posts□quo□□, the□ deployed highl□ m□n□pulative and□per□on□liz□d messages□ that could be□□een only by the user befo□□ di□appea□ing. In □he □arkness o□ th□ □e□, democracy was ...雨□(□)也快步(🤨)跟上,□然他□子小一点,但速度一点不比这位鸠当家慢,二□很快就将身后的众人甩开了不□距□□韩(🦒□立通□以下过□□🦕)□现飞□: