

类型:战争 枪战 其它 香港 2021 

主演:瓦伦蒂娜·罗祖门科 Ryan J. Gilmer 玛丽娜·琳查 真理アンヌ 




  • 醉霖仙梦:188.272.673.446
  • 纳兰墨:163.972.126.382
    海浪花的王级白兽体型与小海王兽差不多,或者说比小海王兽仅仅大上那么一点。都是比普通獠牙兽两个大上一点。这大白却远远超出了它们。难道大白已经进化到伪海王兽的级别?浙江农林女生日记完整テレビ東京では10月クール金曜8時のドラマ「駐在刑事」を10月19日(金)から初回2時間SPで放送致します。主演は地上波連続ドラマ初主演となる寺島進。かつて警視庁捜査一課の敏腕刑事、今は奥多摩の人々に“駐在さん”として親しまれている江波敦史を演じます。  そしてこの度、シリーズの人気を支えてきた豪華キャスト陣の連続ドラマ「駐在刑事」レギュラー出演を発表させて頂きます。  シリーズを通して登場してきた江波の天敵で警視庁捜査一課の管理官・加倉井国広役に北村有起哉、奥多摩の水根旅館の女将をつとめる池原美也子役に市毛良枝、山岳ガイドをしつつ今回、美也子に誘われ「休み処 みやこ」の女将を務めることになった内田遼子役に笛木優子、そんな遼子に恋心を抱く山岳ガイドで水根旅館の跡取り息子・池原孝夫役に鈴之助と、シリーズお馴染みの豪華キャストが連ドラ版「駐在刑事」にも出演します。さらに前回2017年10月に放送されたスペシャルドラマで警視庁捜査二課の理事官として登場し、強烈な印象を残した緒方綾乃役を黒木瞳が演じます。今回綾乃は奥多摩署の署長として再び江波の前に姿を現すことに…その思惑とはいったい何なのか?  連続ドラマでもシリーズの世界観を踏襲し、『奥多摩・水根の人々とのほっこりエピソード』と『捜査一課が追うシリアスな殺人事件』、『奥多摩の自然を活かした大胆な殺人トリック』を組み合わせスリリングに物語は展開。さらに、江波の「正義」とぶつかる登場人物たちも新たに続々登場予定です。いったい、最大の敵は誰なのか? そして江波が巻き込まれる巨大な力とは…。駐在・江波が汗を流し奔走するヒューマンサスペンスをお楽しみに。
  • 一枕孤梦:133.394.652.439
    Street Sharks is an American animated television series about crime-fighting half-man/half-sharks similar to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was produced by DIC Entertainment from 1994 to 1995. Later in 1996 the Street Sharks teamed up with the Dino Vengers (an early and vastly different-in-origin incarnation of the Extreme Dinosaurs) and the show became Street Sharks and the Dino Vengers. Like a number of children's cartoons, it was created to promote an existing Mattel toy line of the same name[1], created by toy maven David Siegel and writer/creative director, Joe Galliani of Mr. Joe's Really Big Productions[2].  In the first episode, a university professor named Dr. Paradigm tested his gene-manipulation techniques on a marlin and a lobster. Dr. Bolton, a fellow professor, attempted to destroy Paradigm's research, and was transformed into an inhuman monstrosity by the evil scientist before escaping. Paradigm later kidnapped Bolton's four sons — John, Bobby, Coop, and Clint — to transform them into sharks. As soon as they transformed, the four brothers ate a hotdog stand, and fled from the police by diving into a lake and burrowing their way into the city by eating the dirt. The brothers planned to capture Paradigm so that they could force him to return them to their human selves and expose Paradigm's genetic experiments.  In subsequent episodes, Paradigm began to convince the residents of Fission City that the Street Sharks (as they became known) were vicious, deadly killers who were mutated by their father, Dr. Bolton. The brothers teamed up every episode to stop Paradigm and his deadly Seaviates from transforming the citizens of Fission City into mutants with no free will.  One of the characters' favorite catchphrases was "Jawsome", and their favorite food consists of hamburgers and french fries (although they're capable of eating just about anything - even if it's not food). The brothers have also expressed an obvious and very vocal dislike for pizza, an indirect acknowledgement toward the Ninja Turtles, whose image is well-known for being built around pizza.
  • 荡川:137.700.761.776
    故事主要回忆太阳系内部战士以及Sailor Moon的觉醒背景。




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