Two paranormal investigators are called upon by a distressed family that claims they are being tormented by an evil spirit known in their local town as The Candy Witch. However, as the mystery of her curse is uncovered, surprising and sinister turns are discovered around The Candy Witch’s identity. Their hardest case yet, can the ghost hunters solve this evil curse before more people are killed by the demonic spirit? 添加文件夹58鍚屽煄鎷涜仒姹傝亴棰戦亾,鍏嶈垂鎻愪緵娴烽噺鐪熷疄鍑嗙‘鐨勯槼娉変笂娴穔tv鏈嶅姟鍛樻嫑鑱樹俊鎭?甯姪鎵撳伐浜恒€佸鐢熺瓑鍚勭被鎵惧伐浣滅殑姹傝亴鑰呰В鍐虫壘宸ヤ綔闅鹃銆傛洿澶氳缁嗙殑鏈湴闄勮繎涓婃捣ktv鏈嶅姟鍛樻嫑鑱樹俊鎭鐐?