罗伊(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage饰)是一个手段高超的职业骗子,他有一个大胆且贪心的伙伴法兰克(萨姆·罗克韦尔 Sam Rockwell饰),他们一起搭档了很多年,几乎没有失过手。 同时,罗伊亦是一个精神强迫症患者。他爱干净,不允许别人穿着鞋走进他家;他谨慎,每次出门都要三番五次检查煤气和电源开关。法兰克为此帮他找了一位心理医生。 在心理医生的帮助下,罗伊找到了他失散多年的女儿安吉拉(艾莉森·洛曼 Alison Lohman饰)。女儿的出现改变了他的生活,让他慢慢感到了做父亲的乐趣。但他并不想让女儿知道他的职业。 但是纸毕竟包不住火,女儿知道了他的秘密,并展现出极其出色的欺骗才能,罗伊决定将他一身的本领都传给女儿。 很快,一庄“大买卖”来了,父女、伙伴齐上阵,结果将如何呢?
1845年,尚年幼的维克多与詹姆斯兄弟俩在长辈之间一场突如其来争执中唤醒了自身的潜能,詹姆斯情急之下将陌生的生父杀死,自此兄弟两人流落战场,他们凭借不死不衰之身和野兽一般的天赋在各个时代的战争中大开杀戒,直到遇见史崔克少校并加入了他的异能人特殊部队。詹姆斯(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)很快厌倦了对弱势者的杀戮,离开了团队和维克多(列维·施瑞博尔 Liev Schreiber 饰),与女友凯拉隐居在山林中,做了一名伐木工人。六年后,詹姆斯惊闻昔日的超能力队友纷纷被杀害,而杀手正是哥哥维克多,不久连凯拉也遭其毒手,愤怒的詹姆斯与史崔克合作,将自己的身体改造,成为钢筋铁骨的“金刚狼”。金刚狼摆脱军方控制后,发誓要杀死维克多和史崔克为凯拉报仇…… 人生若只初相见19楼There is no way to write a "spoiler"---is there actually somebody somewhere who, ten minutes into this 1950's film, wouldn't know where it is going and will end up---since it is a strictly written-by-the-numbers corruption and redemption meller that finds: number 1, a doctor returns from the Korean War to his Pennsylvania mining hometown, (and 2) must choose between dedicating himself to treating the suffering poor (or 3) build himself a swank office and get rich by flattering wealthy women with imaginary ailments. Throw in elements no. 5,Lizabeth Scott as a rich, spoiled, twice-divorced woman with a lip stiffer than his, and number 6, Dianne Foster as a nurse bent on helping all mankind, and there are no surprises left, especially if one take note of the name of Irving Wallace among the writers, the title and Scott billed above Foster. The only surprise here is that this film wasn't from Universal-International and directed by Douglas Sirk.