How easy is it for desperate youngsters to become dangerous gangsters in a decaying society washed all over by the blood of war? Fairly easy indeed. Rane shows incidents, probably somewhat facts, that took place in Serbia of the war era. Things similar to what you see on this film could happen virtually everywhere, but this film gives a very Yugoslavian feeling to everything. Yugo style mafia, Yugo style murder, and all that. Revolting politicians and their greed are to blame, not only the desperate young men who lose their reasoning while trying to be someone. The film and the casting is overall successful, and it's so very Serbian. I recommend it to anyone who.. well anyone who likes a good film. But don't expect anything American style on this one, as I say it's Yugo to the bone. 森原科技有限公司“哦!快跟我说说。”
从小失去父亲的女孩凯瑟琳(安娜索菲亚·罗伯 AnnaSophia Robb 饰),在青春期时无比叛逆,她糟糕的行为令学校、母亲、继父头痛不已。于是,不管凯瑟琳同意与否,母亲坚持将她送到了由杜雷伊特小姐(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)经营的布莱克伍德寄宿学校。该学校地处偏远乡村,限制学生与外界通话,拒绝网络使用,其创办初衷专门是为了教育矫正那些有着严重问题的女孩子。次日,另外四名劣迹斑斑的女孩子也来到了该学校,她们将跟随数学、文学、音乐、艺术老师学习,再造一个全新的自己。短时间内,少女们各方面的才华陆续得到激发,仿佛她们重新得到命运之神的眷顾。 然而,一切似乎又发生的如此之诡异……