门口走进两位年轻人,一个满头红发,上身穿着绿蓝花格子短袖衬衣,下着黑色牛子裤,右手臂上绣着一个巨大的龙形纹身,几乎将整个手臂都覆盖了,臂上的肌肉一鼓一鼓的,显得很强壮。猎罪图鉴电视剧免费播放Five friends, Aliff, Bariah, Talha, Jimmy and Sasha return to the old bungalow that belonged to Bariah's late grandmother and they're on a mission to search for a Japanese ghost and a Kimono ghost who appeared in Bariah's dream. The group encounter several chaotic incidents in the bungalow especially when they discover another mysterious door that is in the maid's room.