China O’brien; big city police woman; martial arts trainer, is forced to hand in her badge and head home to her father and the small town where she grew up. The peaceful town she knew is now struggling against the clutches of organized crime. When her father, the town sheriff, is killed China decides to run for his position and clean up the town. The poll results spark a series of confrontations that finally decide who runs the town 血色将至电影解析英国第四频道2004年出品的大获好评的癫狂医务类喜剧,在看了Grey's Anatomy,House,Scrubs等美国医务剧后,让我们换换口味,也来品尝一下带英伦风味的医务剧大餐。该剧的第一季共9集。目前第二季正在播出中。 故事是从外科病房新来的‘凯罗琳’医生第一天入院,不地不在自己车上蓬头垢面过夜开始的。随后她逐渐认识了她那些古古怪怪的同事,‘盖·塞克里’一个瑞士混血儿,伶牙俐齿、多才多艺,但异常讨厌女人;‘艾伦’虽是整个病房性情最古怪的放射线医生,又口吃得厉害,但却很合适人事经理‘科洛’的胃口,这为喜怒无常的科洛小姐总是担忧自己会人老珠黄;却又疯狂恋上人气极旺的‘麦克’医生;还有哪个倒霉的助理医生‘马丁’,这些怪医生天使汇集于一院,会怎样呢?哈哈,你就准备好暴笑吧!