社工张健东(孙耀威 饰)多年来致力于服务流浪汉工作,近期他为了一件能令流浪汉们扬眉吐气的大赛事四处奔忙——这就是流浪汉世界杯!灯笼街,隐藏在繁华城市的一个角落,因其位置优越,成为了众多流浪汉的栖身之所,这里的“居民”奉自称“黑魔”的老流浪汉为灯笼街之帮主。昔日的甲级队球员阿荣(张晋 饰)因烂赌打假球入狱,出狱后一无所有,万念俱灰投入了灯笼街耷头(黄又南 饰)、阿华(刘以达 饰)等人的行列。张健东将灯笼街一众流浪汉组建为球队,晨光足球队就此诞生。一支由流浪汉组成的球队必然事事难以周全,张健东等人自食其力,将训练等问题解决,不久他们遭遇一支公子哥球队的挑战,由此正式拉开了一支球队四处征战的序幕…… 本片根据真实故事改编。 发财日记 迅雷下载 ftpSeasoned horse jockey Jackson (Clifton Collins Jr.) has weathered decades of races on the riding circuit, but he now finds himself facing what could be his last season as his health deteriorates. With the help of Ruth (Molly Parker) and a promising new horse, Jackson starts to prepare for the upcoming championship. His plans take a left turn when a budding young jockey (Moisés Arias) shows up and claims to be his son. Caught between yearning for a connection and uncertainty about his own future, Jackson confronts difficult questions regarding his legacy.