SHEPHERD is based on the award-winning and bestselling Israeli novel, "The Jewish Dog," by Asher Kravitz. Kaleb, a beloved German Shepherd, is separated from his Jewish family when the Nuremberg Laws are enacted in WWII Berlin. He is adopted by an SS Officer who trains him to attack and round up Jews at a concentration camp. Kaleb is well cared for and good at his job until one day when he is distracted by a familiar scent. His original master, a young boy named Joshua, has arrived as a prisoner of the camp. Kaleb has not lost his loyalty to Joshua who finds solace in secretly visiting his dog at night. Joshua's life is at risk. Together they escape the camp and after months of near-death experiences, they are found by partisans who help Joshua make safe passage to Israel.
Aug 20, 2015 神様、過去にとぶ Dec 18, 2015 狐、恋に落ちる Apr 20, 2016 神様、花嫁になる Aug 19, 2016 神様、迎えに行く 龙争虎斗小说罗伯特天上派对空间重金聘请了知名设计师为其所有包间进行定制装潢设计!各个包厢都各具风采,在确保豪华的前提下又为各个包厢点缀了不同的时尚元素。天上派对消费指南:小包低消费:5080