A fourth season of 12 episodes has been confirmed and will premiere on June 23, 2014 on MTV. This will be the first season not to star Crystal Reed. New cast additions include Meagan Tandy as Braeden (who only appeared in 2 episodes of season 3), Dylan Sprayberry as "Liam", Khylin Rambo as Mason “an out-and-proud athlete” and Mason Dye as his best friend Garrett. Dylan O'Brien confirmed in an interview that Malia Tate (Shelley Hennig) would be a regular next season and joins the pack. 前辈请尽情相爱吧第二集继2021河南春晚、河南卫视元宵奇妙夜爆红网络之后,河南春晚原班创作队伍——河南广播电视台全媒体营销策划中心即将推出国潮第三弹——“清明奇妙游”。 2021河南卫视“清明奇妙游”将继续主打优秀传统文化牌,将现实与VR虚拟场景相结合,二次元的唐宫小姐姐打开清明上河图,以穿越的形式在各处踏青、游玩。