故事发生在琦玉老师头发还没有掉光的时候,这一天身穿蓝色运动服的他在追捕偷东西的箭毒蛙怪人,谁知期间不慎刮坏了自己的裤子。万般无奈,在打败箭毒蛙之后,他带着破损的衣服求助于相识的和服店老板。老板见他反反复复穿着同一套运动服,所以热心地向他推荐极具视觉冲击力的和服礼服套装。琦玉绞尽脑汁,总算推脱掉了。与此同时,残存于衰败商业街的和服店正面临不法分子蚕食的危险。从老板口中,琦玉得知这群不法之徒的存在,更惊讶地发现自己居然和他们住在同一座公寓中…… 本片根据ONE、村田雄介的同名漫画改编,是同系列TV动画版的OAD动画。 杨幂与老外沙发上激战-山When Sarah, a girl with magic powers, and her normal twin sister Lindsey are invited to join both Alpha Nu Gamma and Pi Epsilon Delta, they discover that the two sororities aren't just rivals, they're bitter enemies. Suddenly, Sarah and Lindsey are initiated into an ancient battle between good and evil that threatens to drive the sisters apart and force one of them to make the ultimate sacrifice. Can Sarah learn to master her magic in time to defeat the resident evil on campus? Who can she trust and who will commit an unforgivable act of betrayal? The magic starts flying and anything can happen. When these supernatural forces collide, they'll give new meaning to hell week. Written by Alex